Friday, September 10, 2010

A New Season, A New Beginning...

Happy Weekend ya'll! After months of following, commenting, and meeting up with bloggers--and feeling very embarrassed having to explain why I don't actually write in my blog--I am finally ready to enter this wonderful social network. Follow me through my crazy "type A," overly organized life as I juggle my Junior League Provisional year, advise and volunteer with Kappa Kappa Gamma, and explore our beautiful Nation's capital, Washington, D.C..


  1. Hi lady! Just found your blog from your comment over at 'Preppy Little Dress.' So happy to be following! Can't wait to read more :)

    I live in VA too, on the opposite side of the state, though. I hope you've had a fantastic weekend, doll!


  2. yay for DC area bloggers :) extra yay for sorority gals :)
